One in three victims of family violence are male

Men's stories


If you are a male victim of family violence – intimate partner violence, violence from other family members, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, or other forms of family violence and abuse – this page is available for you to tell your anonymous story. Please click here to tell your own story. If you feel like you need support, please click here. Stories are moderated to prevent the posting of spam, so it might take a little while for your story to appear on this page.


Andre’s personal story

The violence was there when I met my wife. She had a lot of emotion and anger in her, and I always wanted to understand why, so I could help. Over the years my father-in-law and I started to share more of our stories of frustration in living with such abusive women. Our stories were almost identical. I persisted stoically for over 20 years. It is very humiliating to admit you have a problem. No-one wants to air their dirty linen in public. For years I’ve been locked out of the house, plus physically and verbally abused. She would wake me in the middle of the night, beating and thumping me on the back with her fists.

One in Three Campaign