One in three victims of family violence are male





The world's largest domestic violence research data base, 2,657 pages, with summaries of 1,700 peer-reviewed studies.

Over the years, research on partner abuse has become unnecessarily fragmented and politicized. The purpose of The Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project (PASK) is to bring together in a rigorously evidence-based, transparent and methodical manner existing knowledge about partner abuse with reliable, up-to-date research that can easily be accessed both by researchers and the general public. In March, 2010, the Senior Editor of Partner Abuse recruited family violence scholars from the United States, Canada and the U.K. to conduct an extensive and thorough review of the empirical literature, in 17 broad topic areas. Researchers were asked to conduct a formal search for published, peer-reviewed studies through standard, widely-used search programs, and then catalogue and summarize all known research studies relevant to each major topic and its sub-topics. In the interest of thoroughness and transparency, the researchers agreed to summarize all quantitative studies published in peer-reviewed journals after 1990, as well as any major studies published prior to that time, and to clearly specify exclusion criteria. Included studies are organized in extended tables, each table containing summaries of studies relevant to its particular sub-topic.

In this unprecedented undertaking, a total of 42 scholars and 70 research assistants at 20 universities and research institutions spent two years or more researching their topics and writing the results. Approximately 12,000 studies were considered and more than 1,700 were summarized and organized into tables. The 17 manuscripts, which provide a review of findings on each of the topics, for a total of 2,657 pages, appear in 5 consecutive special issues of Partner Abuse published between April, 2012 and April, 2013. All conclusions, including the extent to which the research evidence supports or undermines current theories, are based strictly on the data collected.

Visit the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project website.


A 2010 research project commissioned by the Men’s Advisory Network (MAN), supported by a research grant from Lotterywest and conducted by researchers at Edith Cowan University. Read more about this important Australian research here.


Partner Abuse: New Directions in Research, Intervention, and Policy - A new journal devoted exclusively to scholarly work related to abuse between partners, taking a broad, inclusive approach to that form of interpersonal aggression, welcoming articles on topics such as mutual abuse, working with female perpetrators, services for male victims, partner abuse in ethnic minority populations and in gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) relationships, systemic and restorative justice approaches, strengths-based interventions, prevention programs, and laws and policies related to partner abuse. You can download a free copy from here.


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Sarantakos, S. (2004). Deconstructing Self-Defense in Wife-to-Husband Violence. The Journal of Men's Studies, 12(3), 277-296.

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