One in three victims of family violence are male

News articles about family violence

News articles about family violence

This page contains a selection of recent news articles and commentary about male victims of violence and abuse plus related issues. These articles are presented as a community service, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the One in Three Campaign.

Please send any relevant news articles to us by clicking here and we will post them on this page.

Due to lack of resources, we currently post many more news articles on our Facebook page than we do here.


Australian Army produces short film about domestic violence

Silence Breeds Violence.

“Silence is the Accomplice” is a short film produced by the #AustralianArmy that tells the stories of four of its members: four very brave serving soldiers and their experiences with family and domestic violence.

Their accounts are confronting, and deeply personal. The people in the film are not actors—they are people from our Army, our community. They are people we know and care about, and these are their very real experiences.

By showing this film, Army hopes to start a meaningful conversation on the topic of family and domestic violence. It is time to eradicate this behaviour from Army, and from the community as a whole.

Too often it happens behind closed doors and is never spoken about or reported. Too often victims are too ashamed or fearful to come forward.

This must change!

Join with #YourADF and #combatFDV.

Run time: Approx. 20 minutes

You can view the trailer at, or see the full movie on YouTube at