One in Three Campaign

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Derek's personal story

I am a 6 foot 2, 190-pound, 33 year old male and I was assaulted many times over a two year period. The first 1 1/2 years were fine, no abuse, then one morning in January 2015 she attacked me for the first time. She kicked my back while I was lying down and metal pot to my head twice, denting the pot. Over time I was subjected to countless punches, kicks, household objects, even a shard of glass, and called the most hateful and hurtful names she knew to call me. Twice I finally called the cops, went to jail both times. The 2nd time I had bruises, scratches, a torn ear with 5 stitches and glue, and a major big bruise on my back and I reported the crime at hospital. The fucking cops put me in a freezing cold air conditioned concrete cell with a freezing surface concrete bed and I shivered badly all damn night and got nothing for warmth. Did I learn my lesson? No, I still loved her and wanted to be there for my little girl whom I love so dearly. The last time she upgraded her choice of weapon - she tried to stab me. I reacted to defend myself to prevent her stabbing me in the eye, in which case I wouldn't be here. So I hit her back and she called the police for the first time ever and fabricated a huge lie about what happened. I'm in a lot of trouble. Thankfully I do have a lot of proof of her abuse just in case - pics of injuries and video of her going berserk as I fought to keep the door closed. Document everything men, write it down, camera at the ready or install a hidden one for your safety. I wish I knew that beforehand. Unless you have got video proof, your ass is going to gaol plain and simple because the cops are blind to this matter. Thank you for reading.