One in three victims of family violence are male

News articles about family violence

News articles about family violence

This page contains a selection of recent news articles and commentary about male victims of violence and abuse plus related issues. These articles are presented as a community service, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the One in Three Campaign.

Please send any relevant news articles to us by clicking here and we will post them on this page.

Due to lack of resources, we currently post many more news articles on our Facebook page than we do here.


Abusegate: mother of all scandals?

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what's the most colossal scandal of them all? Watergate? Climategate? Tigergate? If you said 'yes' to any of these, you're not even close! Folks, we're not talking about a media-adled tempest in a teapot. No, this is an old-fashioned head-banging, sit-down-and-cry-your-eyes-out affair.

Abusegate refers to our nation's flawed crusade to curb domestic violence (DV). Originally a high-minded and well-intentioned effort, the end-abuse campaign has now fallen prey to an invidious anti-family agenda. In the name of making homes safe, the domestic violence industry curtails fundamental civil rights and often betrays those in greatest need.

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One in Three Campaign